Product categories

  • Black Divine Diffuser 500ml

    Original price was: 410 AED.Current price is: 369 AED.

    (12 Black Bamboo Sticks cm.36 included)

    Teatro’s Black Divine Spray sticks immediately refreshes rooms, linens and upholstery. It features a fruity fragrance balanced with hints of leather accord and incense, then combined with warm, woody spices of black pepper, white musk and vetiver.

  • Fiore Luxury Diffuser 500ml

    Original price was: 460 AED.Current price is: 414 AED.

    Teatro’s Fiore Luxury sticks is a luxurious room fragrance presented in sleek bottle and dark sticks designed to lightly scent any room. It emits a sophisticated floral fragrance of a beautiful bouquet of white flowers, gently tapered with a tinge of bergamot and cedar wood.

  • Diamante Diffuser 250ml

    Original price was: 340 AED.Current price is: 306 AED.

    (10 Black Bamboo Sticks cm. 30 included)

    This Teatro Diamante sticks features an uplifting fragrance that creates a welcoming ambience in a studio, office, lounge or bedroom and has notes of sugar crystals, amber powder and safranal.

  • Imperial Oud sticks 100ml

    Original price was: 165 AED.Current price is: 148 AED.

    INCENSO IMPERIALE STICKS ML.100 HOME FRAGRANCE- TFU                                                              (8 Black Bamboo Sticks cm.20 included)

    Teatro’s Imperial Oud sticks present a nuanced and captivating fragrance, characterized by the subtle aroma of incense and oud, expertly fused with vetiver, cedar wood, and white musk. This exquisite combination promptly elevates the atmosphere of any space, enveloping it in an air of refined luxury.

  • Imperial Oud Diffuser 250ml

    Original price was: 275 AED.Current price is: 247 AED.

    (10 Black Bamboo Sticks cm. 30 included)

    The Imperial Oud sticks from Teatro offer a gentle and aromatic essence of incense and oud, skillfully blended with vetiver, cedar wood, and white musk. This unique blend promptly infuses a sense of luxurious ambiance into any room

  • Imperial Oud Diffuser 500ml

    Original price was: 410 AED.Current price is: 369 AED.

    (12 Black Bamboo Sticks cm.36 included)

    Teatro’s Imperial Oud sticks possess a delicate yet fragrant scent reminiscent of incense and oud, accompanied by vetiver, cedar wood, and white musk. This exquisite combination swiftly creates an atmosphere of opulence in any space.

  • Oro Luxury Diffuser 250ml

    Original price was: 340 AED.Current price is: 306 AED.

    Teatro’s Oro Luxury Diffuser Sticks offer a mysterious blend of Madagascar black and pink pepper tones, complemented by the floral accents of plumeria. This captivating combination is harmoniously balanced with the inclusion of exotic cloves, sage, and frangipane. Encased in an elegant bottle, this diffuser instantly establishes an opulent atmosphere, adding a touch of luxury to any home.

  • Oro Luxury Diffuser 500ml

    Original price was: 460 AED.Current price is: 414 AED.

    Teatro’s Oro Luxury Diffuser Sticks features an enigmatic concoction of Madagascar black and pink pepper chords with floral notes of plumeria, balanced by exotic cloves, sage and frangipane. Presented in a sleek bottle, it instantly creates an opulent ambience and lends luxurious touch to a home.

  • My First Baobab Gift Box Miami

    Original price was: 588 AED.Current price is: 529 AED.

    Its fresh fragrance of cypress and cedar will remind you of joggers’ colognes in the early morning and will whisk you away to the city’s sporty yet arty atmosphere.

    The Miami scented candle and fragrance diffuser are decorated with a pastel and gold screen print inspired by the architecture of the art deco buildings in South Beach.

    Product Overview

    • Ingredients: Cypress | Cedar | Musk
    • Burning time: 30h
    • Size: 16cm | 250ml
    • Weight: 190gr
    • Wick: 1
    • Always burn your candle until the whole surface becomes liquid.
    • When the entire top of the wax is liquid, do not burn it longer than one hour.
    • The top layer of liquid wax should never exceed one centimeter in height.
    • Never burn your candle more than the maximum burning time indicated in the candle’s instructions.
    • Never burn it down totally and systematically leave one centimeter at the bottom.
  • My First Baobab Gift Box Manhattan

    Original price was: 588 AED.Current price is: 529 AED.

    Its fragrance of lily of the valley, musk and pine will transport you to the corner of Madison Avenue and 82nd Street, or will even recall the scent of Central Park in the spring.

    The Manhattan scented candle and fragrance diffuser are made of glass with a platinum and navy blue silk-screened design inspired by the Chrysler building’s art deco architecture.

    Product Overview

    • Ingredients: Pine | Lily of the Valley | Musk
    • Burning time: 30h
    • Size: 16cm | 250ml
    • Weight: 190gr
    • Wick: 1
    • Always burn your candle until the whole surface becomes liquid.
    • When the entire top of the wax is liquid, do not burn it longer than one hour.
    • The top layer of liquid wax should never exceed one centimeter in height.
    • Never burn your candle more than the maximum burning time indicated in the candle’s instructions.
    • Never burn it down totally and systematically leave one centimeter at the bottom.
  • My First Baobab Gift Box Brussels

    Original price was: 588 AED.Current price is: 529 AED.

    This candle creates an art nouveau atmosphere with its blend of cypress, sandalwood and honey, bathing you in the warm feeling of a family home.

    The Brussels scented candle and fragrance diffuser with their black and gold screen print pay homage to Victor Horta’s architecture. This candle and diffuser promise an art nouveau atmosphere.

    Product Overview

    • Ingredients: Cypress | Cedar | Musk
    • Burning time: 30h
    • Size: 16cm | 250ml
    • Weight: 190gr
    • Wick: 1
    • Always burn your candle until the whole surface becomes liquid.
    • When the entire top of the wax is liquid, do not burn it longer than one hour.
    • The top layer of liquid wax should never exceed one centimeter in height.
    • Never burn your candle more than the maximum burning time indicated in the candle’s instructions.
    • Never burn it down totally and systematically leave one centimeter at the bottom.
  • My First Baobab Gift Box Women

    Original price was: 588 AED.Current price is: 529 AED.

    Its perfume of rose powder and musk is thoroughly feminine.

    Looking for luxury gifts for women? What could be more luxurious than the scented gifts in this set: a perfumed candle for her and a home diffuser, presented in glass holders decorated in gold and powder pink. The graphic design on this beautiful candle represents the feminine sign. These decorative presents have a perfume of rose powder and musk, giving a thoroughly feminine scent to this beautiful candle gift set.

    Product Overview

    • Ingredients: Magnolia | Rose | Musk
    • Burning time: 30h
    • Size: 16cm | 250ml
    • Weight: 190gr
    • Wick: 1
    • Always burn your candle until the whole surface becomes liquid.
    • When the entire top of the wax is liquid, do not burn it longer than one hour.
    • The top layer of liquid wax should never exceed one centimeter in height.
    • Never burn your candle more than the maximum burning time indicated in the candle’s instructions.
    • Never burn it down totally and systematically leave one centimeter at the bottom.
  • My First Baobab Gift Box Aurum

    Original price was: 588 AED.Current price is: 529 AED.

    The Aurum scented candle features one of the legendary perfumes in the Baobab Collection made up of a blend of jasmine and musk notes. The Aurum scented candle features one of the legendary perfumes in the Baobab Collection made up of a blend of jasmine and musk notes.

    The Aurum scented candle and fragrance diffuser feature one of the legendary fragrances from the Baobab Collection. We have created a monogram inspired by the 70’s for a modern, creative makeover that is very much in keeping with our brand identity.

    Product Overview

    • Ingredients: Jasmine | Musk
    • Burning time: 30h
    • Size: 16cm | 250ml
    • Weight: 190gr
    • Wick: 1
    • Always burn your candle until the whole surface becomes liquid.
    • When the entire top of the wax is liquid, do not burn it longer than one hour.
    • The top layer of liquid wax should never exceed one centimeter in height.
    • Never burn your candle more than the maximum burning time indicated in the candle’s instructions.
    • Never burn it down totally and systematically leave one centimeter at the bottom.
  • My First Baobab Gift Box Paris

    Original price was: 588 AED.Current price is: 529 AED.

    This candle’s fragrance with a blend of lime and tulip will carry you off to the romance of the city.

    The Paris scented candle and fragrance diffuser are decorated with a powder pink and gold silk-screen print depicting the base of the Eiffel Tower’s stylized structure. We are celebrating the lovely month of May in Paris, memories of chestnut trees and lime trees in bloom.

    Product Overview

    • Ingredients: Lime | Tulip | Chestnut Leaves
    • Burning time: 30h
    • Size: 16cm | 250ml
    • Weight: 190gr
    • Wick: 1
    • Always burn your candle until the whole surface becomes liquid.
    • When the entire top of the wax is liquid, do not burn it longer than one hour.
    • The top layer of liquid wax should never exceed one centimeter in height.
    • Never burn your candle more than the maximum burning time indicated in the candle’s instructions.
    • Never burn it down totally and systematically leave one centimeter at the bottom.
  • My First Baobab Gift Box Platinum

    Original price was: 588 AED.Current price is: 529 AED.

    Its fragrance of grapefruit, amber and vetiver will bring a fresh touch to your home.

    The Platinum scented candle and fragrance diffuser have been redesigned in a small size for a version with a platinum monogram, very much in keeping with our brand identity.

    Product Overview

    • Ingredients: Grapefruit | Amber | Vetiver
    • Burning time: 30h
    • Size: 16cm | 250ml
    • Weight: 190gr
    • Wick: 1
    • Always burn your candle until the whole surface becomes liquid.
    • When the entire top of the wax is liquid, do not burn it longer than one hour.
    • The top layer of liquid wax should never exceed one centimeter in height.
    • Never burn your candle more than the maximum burning time indicated in the candle’s instructions.
    • Never burn it down totally and systematically leave one centimeter at the bottom.

    16cm | 250ml

  • -10%

    Women Candle

    506 AED1,481 AED

    It’s name resonates like a manifesto that celebrates women, and the blend of magnolia, rose and musk scents are an invitation to let one’s femininity shine with reckless abandon.

    The Women scented candle is delicately printed with 9-karat yellow gold. The design represents the feminine symbol, treated as a graphic element. This light pink pattern is outlined in a gold line as a reminder of how precious women truly are.

    Product Overview

    • Ingredients: Magnolia | Rose | Musk
    • Always burn your candle until the whole surface becomes liquid.
    • When the entire top of the wax is liquid, do not burn it longer than one hour.
    • The top layer of liquid wax should never exceed one centimeter in height.
    • Never burn your candle more than the maximum burning time indicated in the candle’s instructions.
    • Never burn it down totally and systematically leave one centimeter at the bottom.
  • -10%

    Gentlemen Candle

    506 AED1,481 AED

    Its perfume combines notes of rum and saffron, a blend that can only belong to an elegant man, simultaneously seductive and refined.

    Printed with a graphic motif that symbolizes the feminine, the Gentlemen scented candle’s colors have been carefully selected to match the subtle hues of the masculine wardrobe. This candle’s classic but precious allure makes it suitable for any interior as a decorative object.

    Product Overview

    • Ingredients: Rum | Saffron | Labdanum
    • Always burn your candle until the whole surface becomes liquid.
    • When the entire top of the wax is liquid, do not burn it longer than one hour.
    • The top layer of liquid wax should never exceed one centimeter in height.
    • Never burn your candle more than the maximum burning time indicated in the candle’s instructions.
    • Never burn it down totally and systematically leave one centimeter at the bottom.


  • -10%

    Black Pearls Candle

    397 AED1,115 AED

    The Black Pearls scent, both strong and subtle, is a unique blend of ginger and black rose.

    Add a touch of the exotic to your home with this Black Pearls candle from Baobab Collection. With heady fragrance notes of black rose & ginger, this candle will add a divine opulent scent to any room. Presented in black, white or coral speckled glass holders inspired by the hues of natural pearls, the Pearls Collection is the epitome of luxury home fragrance and is a fabulous gift idea for any occasion.

    Product Overview

    • Ingredients: Black Rose | Ginger
    • Always burn your candle until the whole surface becomes liquid.
    • When the entire top of the wax is liquid, do not burn it longer than one hour.
    • The top layer of liquid wax should never exceed one centimeter in height.
    • Never burn your candle more than the maximum burning time indicated in the candle’s instructions.
    • Never burn it down totally and systematically leave one centimeter at the bottom.
  • -10%

    Coral Pearls Candle

    397 AED1,115 AED

    The Coral Pearls candle’s perfume is made up of a delicate blend of citrus, cedar and jasmine, one that will fill your interiors with the fresh scent of a sunny spring day.

    Covered in delicate touches of coral on hand-blown glass, the Coral Pearls scented candle is an object of decoration that will shimmer in your interiors as it releases an enchanting perfume. This candle, with its reference to the color of precious corals, will fit perfectly into your vacation homes.

    Product Overview

    • Ingredients: Citrus | Jasmine | Cedar
    • Always burn your candle until the whole surface becomes liquid.
    • When the entire top of the wax is liquid, do not burn it longer than one hour.
    • The top layer of liquid wax should never exceed one centimeter in height.
    • Never burn your candle more than the maximum burning time indicated in the candle’s instructions.
    • Never burn it down totally and systematically leave one centimeter at the bottom.
  • -10%

    Stones Marble Candle

    506 AED1,512 AED

    Ingredients: Leather – Tuberose – Berries

    Its scent is a mysterious blend of leather and tuberose perfectly embodying the dual personality of Marble Stones, both feminine and masculine.

    Add eternal elegance to the home with this Marble Stones scented candle from Baobab Collection. Created by adding colour in the mouth-blowing stage of the vessel making, this candle has a marble inspired design with swirling black strokes edged with beige. Both opaque and translucent at once, the vessel beautifully replicates the stone after which it was named and takes on an ethereal glow when lit.

    Product Overview

    • Ingredients: Leather | Tuberose | Berries
    • Always burn your candle until the whole surface becomes liquid.
    • When the entire top of the wax is liquid, do not burn it longer than one hour.
    • The top layer of liquid wax should never exceed one centimeter in height.
    • Never burn your candle more than the maximum burning time indicated in the candle’s instructions.
    • Never burn it down totally and systematically leave one centimeter at the bottom.
  • -10%

    Stones Agate Candle

    506 AED766 AED

    Its scent of acai berry and amber will diffuse in your interiors in a joyful and sophisticated fashion.

    The glass of the scented candle recalls the magic of the Minas Gerais Brazilian stones. Its shapes are placed in a random way according to the dexterity of the craftsman, giving each candle a unique aspect.

    Product Overview

    • Ingredients: Bergamot | Açai berry | Amber
    • Always burn your candle until the whole surface becomes liquid.
    • When the entire top of the wax is liquid, do not burn it longer than one hour.
    • The top layer of liquid wax should never exceed one centimeter in height.
    • Never burn your candle more than the maximum burning time indicated in the candle’s instructions.
    • Never burn it down totally and systematically leave one centimeter at the bottom.
  • -10%

    Stones Lazuli Candle

    506 AED1,680 AED

    Its fragrance, with the scent of sea salt and musk, will transport you to the banks of Tanzania where blue stones rein as absolute goddesses.

    The scented candle is a timeless piece of sophistication and elegance. Its marbled glass with intense blue effects perfectly illustrates the amazing personality of Lazuli Stones.

    Product Overview

    • Ingredients: Cardamom | Sea Salt | Musk
    • Always burn your candle until the whole surface becomes liquid.
    • When the entire top of the wax is liquid, do not burn it longer than one hour.
    • The top layer of liquid wax should never exceed one centimeter in height.
    • Never burn your candle more than the maximum burning time indicated in the candle’s instructions.
    • Never burn it down totally and systematically leave one centimeter at the bottom.



  • -10%

    Rainforest Amazonia Candle

    Original price was: 562 AED.Current price is: 506 AED.

    Recalling the vibrant colors of the forest that it represents, its fragrance of bergamot, green tea and Atlas cedar, will take you into a vegetal freshness full of mystery.

    The Amazonia scented candle is a hand-blown opaline glass in which turquoise, blue and brown glass confetti is inserted. Each glass is unique, as the color is embedded into the glass in a random fashion. The Amazon rainforest is the largest forest in the world and extends over 7.3 million km2, more than half of which is located in Brazil. Its biodiversity is unique in the world and it is home to tribes with ancestral and fascinating rituals.

    Product Overview

    • Ingredients: Bergamot | Green Tea | Atlas Cedar
    • Always burn your candle until the whole surface becomes liquid.
    • When the entire top of the wax is liquid, do not burn it longer than one hour.
    • The top layer of liquid wax should never exceed one centimeter in height.
    • Never burn your candle more than the maximum burning time indicated in the candle’s instructions.
    • Never burn it down totally and systematically leave one centimeter at the bottom.


  • -10%

    Feathers Maasai Candle

    Original price was: 473 AED.Current price is: 426 AED.

    Its warm and inviting scent is made up of amber and rum extract, an immersion into the hot desert sun in which this tribe has lived for centuries.

    The Feathers Maasai scented candle is made in opaline hand-blown glass with touches of red. Its mysterious fragrance will take you to the heart of the Maasai lands where men in red draperies roam the searing savannah.

    Product Overview

    • Ingredients: Patchouli | Rum Extract | Amber
    • Always burn your candle until the whole surface becomes liquid.
    • When the entire top of the wax is liquid, do not burn it longer than one hour.
    • The top layer of liquid wax should never exceed one centimeter in height.
    • Never burn your candle more than the maximum burning time indicated in the candle’s instructions.
    • Never burn it down totally and systematically leave one centimeter at the bottom.


  • Aurum Candle-10%

    Aurum Candle

    605 AED2,311 AED

    Aurum’s floral and soft scent is a subtle combination of precious jasmine and divine musk. Addictive and fascinating, this enchanting scent conjures up a world where all is feminine and delicate.

    A true gem for your interiors, the Aurum scented candle is a magnificent object of decoration. Its glass, yellow gold from the outside and rose gold from the inside, reveals flames that will shine brightly on a celebratory evening in your interiors.

    Product Overview

    • Ingredients: Precious Jasmine | Divine Musk
    • Always burn your candle until the whole surface becomes liquid.
    • When the entire top of the wax is liquid, do not burn it longer than one hour.
    • The top layer of liquid wax should never exceed one centimeter in height.
    • Never burn your candle more than the maximum burning time indicated in the candle’s instructions.
    • Never burn it down totally and systematically leave one centimeter at the bottom.


  • -10%

    Platinum Candle

    Original price was: 483 AED.Current price is: 435 AED.

    The amber and musky scents present at the heart of the Platinum scent make it a refined experience to be had. This blend, enriched by grapefruit extract, generates a masculine ambiance as elegant as it is powerful.

    The Platinum scented candle is the brand’s iconic model. Its precious glass reveals the flames, giving your interiors an unmatched glow as it releases a fragrance with fresh notes into your interiors.

    Product Overview

    • Ingredients: Amber | Grapefruit | Vetiver
    • Always burn your candle until the whole surface becomes liquid.
    • When the entire top of the wax is liquid, do not burn it longer than one hour.
    • The top layer of liquid wax should never exceed one centimeter in height.
    • Never burn your candle more than the maximum burning time indicated in the candle’s instructions.
    • Never burn it down totally and systematically leave one centimeter at the bottom.
  • -10%

    Cyprium Candle

    1,182 AED2,335 AED

    The Cyprium scented candle is delicately covered in a copper alloy with a mirroring effect. This décor’s finesse allows you to see the flame transparently, rendering this candle an object both precious and decorative. Its woody perfume of sandalwood, pepper, and musk will give your interiors an olfactory identity both warm and mysterious.

    Product Overview

    • Ingredients: Sandalwood | Pepper | Musk
    • Always burn your candle until the whole surface becomes liquid.
    • When the entire top of the wax is liquid, do not burn it longer than one hour.
    • The top layer of liquid wax should never exceed one centimeter in height.
    • Never burn your candle more than the maximum burning time indicated in the candle’s instructions.
    • Never burn it down totally and systematically leave one centimeter at the bottom.
  • -10%

    Vezo Andriva Candle

    Original price was: 588 AED.Current price is: 529 AED.

    This scented candle, whose Malagasy named means ‘fishing on a line’, will be a colourful accessory on the table, while giving off the perfume of ylang ylang flowers and sea salt.

    The raffia candle sleeve adorning the hand decorated candle Andriva was crocheted by a women’s co-operative on the island of Madagascar. Around this scented candle for the home, pink fish have been depicted on an orange raffia background that celebrates the world of the sea. This floral, sea salt candle is named for the Malagasy term ‘to fish on a line’ and will be a colourful table accessory, a ylang ylang scented candle to brighten the home. make this a mythical place, where the scent of colorful cocktails and sea spray go hand in hand, all captured in this floral candle.

    Product Overview

    • Ingredients: Orchid | Salt Flower | Ylang Ylang
    • Always burn your candle until the whole surface becomes liquid.
    • When the entire top of the wax is liquid, do not burn it longer than one hour.
    • The top layer of liquid wax should never exceed one centimeter in height.
    • Never burn your candle more than the maximum burning time indicated in the candle’s instructions.
    • Never burn it down totally and systematically leave one centimeter at the bottom.


  • -10%

    Vezo Toliary Candle

    Original price was: 588 AED.Current price is: 529 AED.

    Its hesperidic perfume of mint and vetiver is an ode to the freshness of summer.

    Looking for perfect summer candle scents? The vetiver scented candle Toliary is a hand decorated candle, covered with a raffia sleeve embroidered with green and ochre fish motifs. It takes the name of the city on the south west coast of Madagascar. Part of our decorated candle collection, and hand-crocheted by a women’s cooperative on the island, this candle makes a unique decorative object and a fashionable addition to the home. The Hesperid perfume of this vetiver and mint candle is an ode to the freshness of summer.

    Product Overview

    • Ingredients: Mint | Vetiver | Ylang Ylang
    • Always burn your candle until the whole surface becomes liquid.
    • When the entire top of the wax is liquid, do not burn it longer than one hour.
    • The top layer of liquid wax should never exceed one centimeter in height.
    • Never burn your candle more than the maximum burning time indicated in the candle’s instructions.
    • Never burn it down totally and systematically leave one centimeter at the bottom.



  • Nirvana Bliss Candle-10%

    Nirvana Bliss Candle

    Original price was: 536 AED.Current price is: 482 AED.

    Its fresh perfume, a blend of citrus, Neroli and Vetiver, invites you to experience lands full of greenery and sunshine.

    Poured into hand-blown glass sporting the joyful colors of red and yellow, the Bliss candle positions itself in your interiors as a flamboyant object of decoration. Its fresh perfume, a blend of citrus, Neroli and Vetiver, invites you to experience lands full of greenery and sunshine.

    Product Overview

    • Ingredients: Citrus | Neroli | Vetiver
    • Always burn your candle until the whole surface becomes liquid.
    • When the entire top of the wax is liquid, do not burn it longer than one hour.
    • The top layer of liquid wax should never exceed one centimeter in height.
    • Never burn your candle more than the maximum burning time indicated in the candle’s instructions.
    • Never burn it down totally and systematically leave one centimeter at the bottom.


  • Nirvana Holy Candle-10%

    Nirvana Holy Candle

    482 AED1,427 AED

    Its perfume is both floral and light, a blend of lily of the valley, musk, and cupressus, and has a calming and relaxing effect.

    The Holy scented candle is undoubtedly the one that most calls forth the elements. Its hand-blown glass with blue touches allows the flame to project a calming light into your interiors.

    Product Overview

    • Ingredients: Cupressus | Lily of the valley | Musk
    • Always burn your candle until the whole surface becomes liquid.
    • When the entire top of the wax is liquid, do not burn it longer than one hour.
    • The top layer of liquid wax should never exceed one centimeter in height.
    • Never burn your candle more than the maximum burning time indicated in the candle’s instructions.
    • Never burn it down totally and systematically leave one centimeter at the bottom.
  • -10%

    Nirvana Spirit Candle

    Original price was: 536 AED.Current price is: 482 AED.

    Its perfume, a blend of incense, cedar, and vanilla, perfectly evokes its name while generating a sacred place ideal for inner peace.

    Pop some colour and fragrance into your home with this Nirvana candle from Baobab Collection. A blend of incense, cedar, and vanilla, this candle perfectly evokes its name while generating a sacred place ideal for inner peace. Set in a mouth-blown glass vessel decorated with swirling brown and yellow tones, it’s as good looking as it is smelling.

    Product Overview

    • Ingredients: Cedar | Incense | Vanilla
    • Always burn your candle until the whole surface becomes liquid.
    • When the entire top of the wax is liquid, do not burn it longer than one hour.
    • The top layer of liquid wax should never exceed one centimeter in height.
    • Never burn your candle more than the maximum burning time indicated in the candle’s instructions.
    • Never burn it down totally and systematically leave one centimeter at the bottom.
  • -10%

    Odyssee Calypso Candle

    Original price was: 562 AED.Current price is: 506 AED.

    Its citrus perfume, with a mixture of blood orange, mandarin and thyme, evokes the feasts held by the muse Calypso for Ulysses, where she promised him eternal life.

    Calypso is a citrus scented decorative candle. The glass is decorated with subtle grey and orange motifs, giving an artisanal take on scented candles. Inside the glass, you can see the light of the flame, which gives a warm reflection of the decoration. The thyme, mandarin and blood orange scented candle evokes the feasts held by the muse Calypso for Ulysses, where she promised him eternal life.

    Product Overview

    • Ingredients: Blood orange | Mandarin | Thyme
    • Always burn your candle until the whole surface becomes liquid.
    • When the entire top of the wax is liquid, do not burn it longer than one hour.
    • The top layer of liquid wax should never exceed one centimeter in height.
    • Never burn your candle more than the maximum burning time indicated in the candle’s instructions.
    • Never burn it down totally and systematically leave one centimeter at the bottom.
  • -10%

    Odyssee Ithaque Candle

    Original price was: 562 AED.Current price is: 506 AED.

    Its combination of basil, jasmine and patchouli will immerse you in the fragrance of the sun-drenched summer.

    For a sophisticated candle in a glass decorated with shades of yellow and green, look to Ithaca. Scented with herbs, flowers and patchouli, candle Ithaca combines a jasmine fragrance with hints of warm, basil scented gardens. The colours of the decoration grow bright when the candle is lit, giving the object a magical, refined appearance.

    Product Overview

    • Ingredients: Basil | Jasmine | Patchouli
    • Always burn your candle until the whole surface becomes liquid.
    • When the entire top of the wax is liquid, do not burn it longer than one hour.
    • The top layer of liquid wax should never exceed one centimeter in height.
    • Never burn your candle more than the maximum burning time indicated in the candle’s instructions.
    • Never burn it down totally and systematically leave one centimeter at the bottom.
  • -10%

    Odyssee Ulysse Candle

    Original price was: 562 AED.Current price is: 506 AED.

    Its perfume of lavendar, cedarwood and lemon will whisk you away to ancient Greek ruins on the heights of Athens.

    Ulysses, the scented cedar wood candle in a glass jar, arrives decorated with subtle blue and turquoise motifs. The decorated glass leaves the flame visible while lending an effect of refinement and mystery. The cedar tree scent is combined with the scent of lavender. Scented gifts like this are ideal for freshening the home.

    Product Overview

    • Ingredients: Lavender | Cedar wood | Lemon
    • Always burn your candle until the whole surface becomes liquid.
    • When the entire top of the wax is liquid, do not burn it longer than one hour.
    • The top layer of liquid wax should never exceed one centimeter in height.
    • Never burn your candle more than the maximum burning time indicated in the candle’s instructions.
    • Never burn it down totally and systematically leave one centimeter at the bottom.
  • -10%

    Waves Belharra Candle

    529 AED1,701 AED

    Its perfume of sea salt, neroli and white musk will transport you to summer sweetness on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean.

    Looking for candles for home decor? Look no further than the fleur de sel scented candle Belharra. The hand engraved glass of this decorative blue candle depicts a motif of crashing waves. Its perfume of fleur de sel, neroli and musk will transport you to summer sweetness on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean, a salt candle full of wild, fresh scents. Belharra is the name of a mythical wave on the shores of the Basque Country, reaching over 20 metres in height. 3km from the shore, this wave is formed due to particular meterological conditions and the presence of a rocky shelf 15m beneath the surface of the ocean. It is also an ideal spot for scuba diving.

    Product Overview

    • Ingredients: Sea salt | Neroli | White Musk
    • Always burn your candle until the whole surface becomes liquid.
    • When the entire top of the wax is liquid, do not burn it longer than one hour.
    • The top layer of liquid wax should never exceed one centimeter in height.
    • Never burn your candle more than the maximum burning time indicated in the candle’s instructions.
    • Never burn it down totally and systematically leave one centimeter at the bottom.



  • -10%

    Waves Malibu Candle

    Original price was: 588 AED.Current price is: 529 AED.

    Its floral and fruity perfume, with accents of Orange blood Sicily, Timur and Magnolia, will whisk you away to the coasts of the Pacific and their blazing sunsets.

    In a glass of pale pink, the decorative candle Malibu is a unique and refined object for the home. The perfumed, fruity candle, floral scented and elegant, brings the surf coast to you. The magnolia scented candle, with accents of citrus, will whisk you away to the shores of the Pacific and their blazing sunsets. The city of Malibu, spanning a 48km stretch of coast, is the surfing capital of the United States. Fine sandy beaches, celebrity homes and vibrant sunsets make this a mythical place, where the scent of colorful cocktails and sea spray go hand in hand, all captured in this floral candle.

    Product Overview

    • Ingredients: Timur | Orange Blood Sicily | Magnolia
    • Always burn your candle until the whole surface becomes liquid.
    • When the entire top of the wax is liquid, do not burn it longer than one hour.
    • The top layer of liquid wax should never exceed one centimeter in height.
    • Never burn your candle more than the maximum burning time indicated in the candle’s instructions.
    • Never burn it down totally and systematically leave one centimeter at the bottom.



  • -10%

    Waves Nazare Candle

    Original price was: 588 AED.Current price is: 529 AED.

    This candle, in a subtle, pale lime green, is a decorative object with a scent of peppermint, citrus leaves and tonka bean.

    Looking for a beautiful candle design? This sophisticated candle with a lemon tree scent has been decorated with an engraved motif by our artisans. The wave patterned candle Nazaré is an object of beauty. In a subtle, pale lime green, is a decorative object, a citrus leaf, tonka bean and peppermint candle. Nazaré is a small Portuguese city set among the enormous coastal waves, known to surfers around the world. The waves can reach 30m in height and their formation is due to a sub-marine canyon sinking to 5km deep.

    Product Overview

    • Ingredients: Peppermint | Lemon Leaves | Tonka Beans
    • Always burn your candle until the whole surface becomes liquid.
    • When the entire top of the wax is liquid, do not burn it longer than one hour.
    • The top layer of liquid wax should never exceed one centimeter in height.
    • Never burn your candle more than the maximum burning time indicated in the candle’s instructions.
    • Never burn it down totally and systematically leave one centimeter at the bottom.
  • -10%

    Sapphire Pearls Candle

    397 AED1,239 AED

    The Sapphire Pearls candle, with its blue details, releases a scent as fresh as a sea spray.

    The Sapphire Pearls scented candle with its hand-blown glass and bright azure inlays pays homage to the beauty of the precious stone from which it draws its name. This stone has been known to symbolize the divine presence and its protection. This candle’s marine perfume will take you to a realm of vacation.

    Product Overview

    • Ingredients: Seaweed | Myrtle
    • Always burn your candle until the whole surface becomes liquid.
    • When the entire top of the wax is liquid, do not burn it longer than one hour.
    • The top layer of liquid wax should never exceed one centimeter in height.
    • Never burn your candle more than the maximum burning time indicated in the candle’s instructions.
    • Never burn it down totally and systematically leave one centimeter at the bottom.
  • Totem Rainforest Amazonia

    Original price was: 2,121 AED.Current price is: 1,909 AED.

    Ingredients: Bergamot – Green Tea – Atlas Cedar

    It’s fragrance of bergamot, green tea and musk will take you to the warmth of this tropical city.

    Totem Amazonia fragrance diffusers are available in 5 liters, 2 liters and Mini Totem. Their opaline glass with shades of blue, turquoise and brown are topped with a white ceramic cap, finished with reactive glazes, handmade by our Portuguese artisans.

    Color: The opaline glass with shades of blue, turquoise and brown are topped with a white ceramic cap
    Material: Glass
    Shape: Round
    Suitability: Indoor

    The perfume and sticks are included
    28 cm | 2L

  • Totem Cyprium

    Original price was: 2,121 AED.Current price is: 1,909 AED.

    The Totem Cyprium fragrance diffuser joins the Aurum and Platinum Totems in a majestic fashion. Its ceramic cap’s design will be the common element in this new copper-colored edition. This amazing set, it releases a mysterious perfume of sandalwood and black pepper.

    Product Overview

    • Ingredients: Sandalwood | Pepper | Musk
    • Color: Gold
    • Material: Glass
    • Shape: Round
    • Suitability: Indoor
    • The perfume and sticks are included
    • Content : 2 Liters
  • Totem Aurum

    2,121 AED

    Aurum’s floral and soft scent is a subtle combination of precious jasmine and divine musk. Addictive and fascinating, this enchanting scent conjures up a world where all is feminine and delicate.

    Resembling a jewel worn by your interiors, the Totem Aurum fragrance diffuser is hand-painted by our glass artisans with a precious gold luster. Its perfume is a subtle blend of sambac jasmine and musk, a voyage that combines the lightness of Asia with the mystery of the Middle East. This beautiful set includes a refillable 2 L bottle for a timeless scent.

    Product Overview

    • Ingredients: Precious Jasmine | Divine Musk
    • Color: Gold
    • Material: Glass
    • Shape: Round
    • Suitability: Indoor
    • Content : 2 Liters
    • The perfume and sticks are included
  • Black Divine Diffuser 250ml

    Original price was: 275 AED.Current price is: 247 AED.

    (10 Black Bamboo Sticks cm. 30 included)

    Teatro’s Black Divine Spray sticks immediately refreshes rooms, linens and upholstery. It features a fruity fragrance balanced with hints of leather accord and incense, then combined with warm, woody spices of black pepper, white musk and vetiver.

  • Fiore Luxury Diffuser 250ml

    Original price was: 340 AED.Current price is: 306 AED.

    Teatro’s Fiore Luxury sticks is a luxurious room fragrance presented in sleek bottle and back sticks designed to lightly scent any room. It emits a sophisticated floral fragrance of a beautiful bouquet of white flowers, gently tapered with a tinge of bergamot and cedar wood.

  • Imperial Oud Spray 100ml

    Original price was: 155 AED.Current price is: 139 AED.


    Teatro’s Imperial Oud Diffuser Spray features a subtle yet aromatic fragrance of incense and oud combined with vetiver, cedar wood, and white musk that instantly adds an ambience of luxury to any room.

  • Oro Luxury Spray 100ml

    Original price was: 190 AED.Current price is: 171 AED.

    Teatro’s Oro Luxury Diffuser spray combines Madagascar black and pink pepper with plumeria and exotic spices, housed in an elegant bottle. It instantly adds a touch of opulence and luxury to any home.

  • Oro Luxury Gift set

    Original price was: 460 AED.Current price is: 414 AED.

    (9 Black Bamboo Sticks cm. 30 included)

    The Teatro’s Oro Luxury Gift presents an intriguing fusion of Madagascar black and pink pepper notes, accompanied by the delicate floral hints of plumeria. This captivating amalgamation is skillfully balanced with the addition of exotic cloves, sage, and frangipane. Packaged in a sophisticated bottle, this set promptly creates a lavish ambiance, imparting a luxurious touch to any household.

  • Candela Gold

    Original price was: 105 AED.Current price is: 94 AED.

    The Candela candlestick collection is sold in boxes of 4 in an elegant case. Each candlestick is covered with a gold glaze, does not drip and ensures a burning time of about 10 hours.

    Product Overview

    • Burning time: 10h
    • Never burn your candle more than the maximum burning time indicated in the candle’s instructions.
    • Never burn it down totally and systematically leave one centimeter at the bottom.
  • Candela Taupe

    Original price was: 105 AED.Current price is: 94 AED.

    The Candela candlestick collection is sold in boxes of 4 in an elegant case. Each candlestick is covered with a taupe glaze, does not drip and ensures a burning time of about 10 hours.

    Product Overview

    • Burning time: 10h
    • Never burn your candle more than the maximum burning time indicated in the candle’s instructions.
    • Never burn it down totally and systematically leave one centimeter at the bottom.
  • Les Exclusives – Aurum Twins

    Original price was: 914 AED.Current price is: 823 AED.

    Twins Aurum candleholders are perfect for decorating evening tables. Their hand-blown glass is covered in gold and finished with a monochromatic gadrooned metal cap. They are the most precious candleholders in this collection and sold as a pair in a gift box with two gold candlesticks!

    Product Overview

    • Burning time: 10h
    • Two candle sticks are included
    • Never burn your candle more than the maximum burning time indicated in the candle’s instructions.
    • Never burn it down totally and systematically leave one centimeter at the bottom.
  • Les Exclusives – Platinum Twins

    Original price was: 914 AED.Current price is: 823 AED.

    The Twins Platinum candleholders are made of hand-blown glass covered with platinum metallic paint. The candleholders are finished with a silver-gadrooned metal ball giving a very precious and decorative effect to these objects which will illuminate festive tables. They are sold in pairs in a gift box with matching candlesticks.

    Product Overview

    • Burning time: 10h
    • Two candle sticks are included
    • Never burn your candle more than the maximum burning time indicated in the candle’s instructions.
    • Never burn it down totally and systematically leave one centimeter at the bottom.
  • Lighter Graine Black

    Original price was: 804 AED.Current price is: 724 AED.

    The Baobab Collection lighter, like the candles and diffusers that bear the same name, is a true object of decoration. Wrapped in full-grain black leather, it allows you to more efficiently light large candles before being laid out for exhibition on your coffee table.

    Covered in full-grain leather, the Baobab Collection lighter is a precious object meant for exhibition. Its long rectangular form is both contemporary and perfectly suited to any type of candle. A torch flame has been designed by the best of engineers in order to ensure an efficient and secure lighting *The lighter is sold empty with a gas refill included.

  • Pure Amber Diffuser 250ml

    Original price was: 275 AED.Current price is: 247 AED.

    (10 Black Bamboo Sticks cm.30 included)

    Teatro’s Pure Amber Diffuser Spray instantly infuses a living space with a sense of tranquility with its unique blend of calming accords. This home fragrance features top notes of Bulgarian rose and violet intertwined with woody essences of cloves, cedar wood and Arabian amber.